Tast the Achiever course! How do you self-sabotage?

Casey Corbin
Nov 1, 2023

Identifying Your Form of Self-Sabotage


Welcome to this section, where we will explore the various forms and categories of self-sabotage. Recognizing and understanding these forms is essential for addressing both the external and internal aspects of self-sabotage. We will delve into practical strategies and the internal mindset shifts needed for personal growth and success.


As you read and think about each one of the 19 forms, allow yourself to ponder and open up to the possibility that you suffer from it. Most people don't just have one, but many. Next, prioritize your list so that you can focus on the most prominent self-sabotage form. Begin to take action with it's solution (counter) in the next section.

Forms and Categories of Self-Sabotage:

1. Procrastination: Delaying important tasks or goals, leading to missed opportunities and increased stress.

2. Perfectionism: Setting unrealistically high standards and becoming paralyzed by the fear of failure.

3. Self-Doubt: Underestimating your abilities and constantly second-guessing yourself, leading to inaction or poor decision-making.

4. Negative Self-Talk: Engaging in a constant internal dialogue of self-criticism, eroding self-esteem and confidence.

5. Fear of Success: Subconsciously fearing the consequences of success, leading to self-sabotaging behaviors to prevent achievement.

6. Fear of Failure: Avoiding risks or new experiences due to a fear of failure.

7. Self-Handicapping: Setting up excuses or obstacles in advance to justify potential failures, ensuring failure is more likely.

8. Avoidance Behaviors: Using distractions like excessive TV, social media, or substance abuse to escape from problems or responsibilities.

9. Negative Thinking Patterns: Focusing on worst-case scenarios and dwelling on past mistakes leading to anxiety and depression.

10. Lack of Self-Care: Neglecting physical and emotional well-being, impacting your ability to function effectively.

11. Self-Sabotaging Relationships: Staying in toxic relationships or sabotaging healthy ones, hindering personal growth and happiness.

12. Imposter Syndrome: Feeling like a fraud and doubting your accomplishments, limiting confidence and success.

13. Overcommitting: Taking on too many responsibilities leading to burnout and poor performance.

14. Lack of Assertiveness: Failing to communicate needs and boundaries, resulting in feeling overwhelmed or taken advantage of.

15. Not Seeking Help or Support: Refusing to ask for assistance when needed, leading to isolation and increased stress.

16. Setting Unrealistic Goals: Establishing objectives that are unattainable, resulting in feelings of failure and disappointment.

17. Self-Sabotaging Habits: Engaging in destructive habits like overeating, smoking, or excessive drinking, negatively impacting health and well-being.

18. Blame-Shifting: Avoiding personal responsibility by blaming others or external circumstances for your own failures or setbacks.

19. All-or-Nothing Thinking: Seeing situations in black-and-white terms, leading to unrealistic expectations and disappointment when things don't go perfectly.

Mindset (Internal Changes):

Before addressing each form of self-sabotage, we'll discuss the internal changes required for success. Building self-esteem, cultivating self-compassion, and developing resilience are critical for overcoming self-sabotage.


Understanding the various forms of self-sabotage is the foundation for personal growth and success. By addressing both the external and internal aspects, you can pave the way for a more fulfilling life.

Activation Thought Exercise:

Let's embark on a transformative mental journey. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and allow yourself to fully relax.

Visualize your future self, five years from now, looking back on your decision to conquer self-sabotage. Imagine the benefits you've gained, the goals you've achieved, and the profound personal growth you've experienced.

Now, let's dive deeper. Imagine yourself in a serene, safe place where you can leave all your self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors behind. Visualize yourself shedding the weight of self-sabotage and stepping into the light of self-empowerment. Feel the transformation happening within you.

Visualize your future self, confident, successful, and resilient. Allow this vision to fill you with motivation and positivity. Spend several minutes in this empowering mental sanctuary.

When you're ready, gently open your eyes and bring this newfound empowerment with you into the real world.


Your active learning assignment is to identify one specific form of self-sabotage from the list that resonates with you. Take concrete steps to address it, whether by setting a specific goal, seeking support, or reframing your self-talk. Document your progress and reflections in your course materials.

What’s Next?

In the next section, we will delve deeper into practical strategies to combat self-sabotage. You'll learn actionable techniques to overcome procrastination, address negative self-talk, and conquer perfectionism. Get ready to equip yourself with the tools to transform self-sabotage into self-empowerment.

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